Hopefully you’re all organised and relaxed in the run-up to your wedding but it’s likely that you may have looked after all the important things and still feel like something is niggling at the back of your mind. At Poppy Caterer’s & Marquees, we’re all about making your life easier, from providing the best wedding catering to marquees of many shapes and sizes for your special day so we thought we’d help out with a last minute checklist of things to remember on the week of your wedding.
1. Hand over your documents
No, seriously. Give the legal documents to someone you can trust, who can handle them on the day. This will be a huge weight off your mind.
2. Check in with all vendors
If you haven’t already, type up the directions to the venue and make sure all your vendors have this information. Whoever the designated person is looking after all of this, make sure that they have their contact details for the day, so that you won’t be bothered with anything. Confirm timings with each and every one of them.
3. Prepare payments and get receipts
If possible pay your vendors now, or at least find out how much is owed and set reminders for when it needs to be paid. Speak to them about the payment, so they know they are being paid and you aren’t risking any of them not showing up. Get envelopes for each payment and/or tip and seal the envelopes so that everything is prepped and ready to go and you don’t have to fiddle around with money the day of or the day after your wedding.
4. Pack for your honeymoon now
This is not something to be left until the day before. Make sure you have your passports, airline tickets, hotel reservations etc. all in a safe place. Take out your case at least a week before and pack your outfits at least 3 days before so that it’s not taking up valuable time and stressing you out.
5. Break in your wedding shoes
This is not strictly just for women. Many a man has struggled in their “suit” shoes the day of their wedding. So, remind your significant other that you both need to be on your feet and comfortable all day in the shoes you have chosen. Pack an alternative pair for both of you.
6. Plan what you will eat and drink
No, not the guests, you. It can be a long day for the bride and groom, rising early, photos, Champagne, make-up etc. Make sure you know who is feeding you and when, otherwise those bubbles might go straight to your head.
7. Drop off luggage to the venue
See if you are allowed drop your luggage off to the venue early or arrange for someone to drop it off on the day. This includes your going away outfits the next day.
8. Have back-ups of your vows, speeches etc.
Even if it just a back up on your smart phone, it’s helpful to have back-ups for everything – the music, the photo list etc.
Now you can relax knowing that everything is under control and look forward to the best day of your life.
Wedding and Events Catering
Poppy Catering & Marquees offer the best wedding catering in York and can help you out with your wedding plans. Give us a call today on 01347 878 628 or email info@poppycaterers.co.uk for wedding catering prices and more.